F. E. Belden Archive
1 I Will sing of Jesus love, Sing of Him,who first loved me; for He left bright worlds above, And died on Calvary. Refrain I will sing of Jesus love Endless praise my heart shall give; He has died that I might live …
1 There’s no other name like Jesus, ‘Tis the dearest name we know, ‘Tis the angel’s joy in heaven, ‘Tis the Christian’s joy below. Refrain Sweet name, (sweet name) dear name, (dear name) There’s no other name like Jesus; Sweet name, (sweet name) …
1 I would be, dear Savior, wholly Thine; Teach me how, teach me how; I would do Thy will, O Lord, not mine; Help me, help me now. Refrain Wholly Thine, wholly Thine, Wholly Thine, this is my vow; Wholly Thine, wholly Thine, …
1 Look upon Jesus, sinless is He; Father, impute His life unto me. My life of scarlet, my sin and woe, Cover with His life, whiter than snow. Refrain Cover with His life, whiter than snow; Fullness of His life then shall I …
1 The judgment has set, the books have been opened; How shall we stand in that great day, When every thought, and word, and action, God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh? Refrain How shall we stand in that great day? How shall we …
1 O there’ll be joy when the work is done, Joy when the reapers gather home, Bringing the sheaves at set of sun To the New Jerusalem. Refrain Joy, joy, joy, there’ll be joy by and by, Joy, joy, joy, where the joys …
1 We’ll build on the Rock, the living Rock, On Jesus, the Rock of Ages; So shall we abide the fearful shock, When loud the tempest rages. Refrain We’ll build on the Rock, We’ll build on the Rock; We’ll build on the Rock, …
1 ‘Tis love that makes us happy, ‘Tis love that smooths the way; It helps us mind, it makes us kind To others every day. Refrain God is love; we’re his little children. God is love; we would be like Him. ‘Tis love …
1 Let every lamp be burning bright, The darkest hour is nearing; The darkest hour of earth’s long night, Before the Lord’s appearing. Refrain Then trim your lamps, my brethren dear, Then trim your lamps with godly fear; The Master’s coming draweth near, …
1 Look for the way-marks as you journey on, Look for the way-marks passing one by one; Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four— Where are we standing? Look the way-marks o’er. Refrain Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks, Down …