401 – 500 Archive
1 The Son of God proclaim, The Lord of time and space; The God who bade the light break forth Now shines in Jesus’ face. 2 Behold His out stretched hands, Though all was in His power He took the towel and basin …
1 Look upon Jesus, sinless is He; Father, impute His life unto me. My life of scarlet, my sin and woe, Cover with His life, whiter than snow. Refrain Cover with His life, whiter than snow; Fullness of His life then shall I …
1 God has spoken by His prophets, Spoken His unchanging Word, Each from age to age proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord. Mid the world’s despair and turmoil, One firm anchor holding fast; God is King, His throne eternal, God the first, …
1 Fruitful trees, the Spirit’s sowing, May we ripen and increase, Fruit to life eternal growing, Rich in love and joy and peace. 2 Laden branches freely bearing Gifts the Giver loves to bless; Here is fruit that grows by sharing, Patience, kindness, …
1 Christ, the Lord, all power possessing, Parting, mounted heaven’s height, Gracious hands outstretched in blessing, Clouds received His from their sight. Christ ascended, Christ ascended, Christ ascended on the clouds. (on the clouds) Christ ascended on the clouds. 2 Daniel views earth’s …
1 The judgment has set, the books have been opened; How shall we stand in that great day, When every thought, and word, and action, God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh? Refrain How shall we stand in that great day? How shall we …
1 O solemn thought and can it be The hour o judgment now is come Which soon must fix our destiny, And seal the sinner’s fearful down? Yes, it is so; the judgment hour Is swiftly hastening to its close; Then will the …
1 Day of judgement, day of wonders! Hark the trumpet’s awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders, Shakes the vast creation round! How the summons Will the sinner’s heart confound! 2 See the Lord in the glory nearing, Clothed in majesty divine, You …
1 Soon shall the trump of God Give out the welcome sound, That shakes death’s silent chamber walls, And breaks the turf sealed ground. 2 You dwellers in the dust, Awake, come forth, and sing; Sharp has your frost of winter been, But …
1 Jerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for thee! When will my sorrows have an end, The joys when shall I see? 2 The walls are all of precious stone, Most glorious to behold; Thy gates are richly set with pearl, …