Subcategory Archive

404 – Now Let Us From This Table Rise

1 Now let us from this table rise Renewed in body, mind, and soul; With Christ we die and live again, His selfless love has made us whole. 2 With minds alert, upheld by grace, To spread the word in speech and deed, …

405 – O God, Unseen, Yet Ever Near

1 O God, unseen, yet ever near, Reveal Thy presence now While we in love that hath no fear, Before Thy glory bow. 2 Here may Thy faithful people know The blessings of Thy love, The streams that thro’ the dessert flow, The …

406 – Love Consecrates the Humblest Act

1 Love consecrates the humblest act And haloes mercy’s deeds; It sheds a benediction sweet And hallows human needs. 2 When in the shadow of the cross Christ knelt and washed the feet Of His disciples, He gave us A sign of love …

407 – Sent Forth by God's Blessing

1 Sent forth by God’s blessing, Our true faith confessing, The people of God from His dwelling take leave. The supper is ended. Oh, now be extended The fruits of this service in all who believe. 2 The seed of His teaching, Receptive …

408 – Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor

1 Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendor, First begotten from the dead, You alone, our strong defender, Lifting up Your people’s head. Alleluia, Jesus, true and living Bread! 2 Tho’ the lowliest form now veil You As of old in Bethlehem, Here as there …

409 – Jesus Invites His Saints

1 Jesus invites His saints To meet around His board, And sup in memory of the death And sufferings of their Lord. 2 We take the bread and wine As emblems of Thy death; Lord, raise our souls above the sign, To feast …

410 – Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord

1 Thy broken body, gracious Lord, Is shadowed by this broken bread; The wine which in this cup is poured, Points to the blood which Thou hast shed. 2 And while we meet together thus, We show that we are one in Thee; …

411 – The Son of God Proclaim

1 The Son of God proclaim, The Lord of time and space; The God who bade the light break forth Now shines in Jesus’ face. 2 Behold His out stretched hands, Though all was in His power He took the towel and basin …

412 – Cover With His Life

1 Look upon Jesus, sinless is He; Father, impute His life unto me. My life of scarlet, my sin and woe, Cover with His life, whiter than snow. Refrain Cover with His life, whiter than snow; Fullness of His life then shall I …

413 – God Has Spoken by His Prophets

1 God has spoken by His prophets, Spoken His unchanging Word, Each from age to age proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord. Mid the world’s despair and turmoil, One firm anchor holding fast; God is King, His throne eternal, God the first, …