NUMBER Archive
1 Don’t forget the Sabbath, The Lord our God hath blest, Of all the week the brightest, Of all the week the best; It brings repose from labor, It tells of joy divine, Its beams of light descending, With heavenly beauty shine. Refrain …
1 Light of light, enlighten me, Now anew the day is dawning; Sun of grace, the shadows flee; Brighten Thou my Sabbath morning; With Thy joyous sunshine blest, Happy is my day of rest. 2 Let me with my heart today, Holy, holy, …
1 We love Thy Sabbath, Lord, And worship at Thy will; Oh may these hours sweet peace afford And deeper faith instill. 2 Thine angels sang for joy Creation’s work to see; We too, this day, would raise our hearts In grateful praise …
1 To the world in kindness given; Welcome to this humble breast, As the beaming light from heaven. 2 Day of calm and sweet repose, Gently now thy moments run; Balm to soothe our cares and woes, Till our labor here is done. …
1 Dear Lord, we come at set of sun, And at Your feet we kneel To worship You, Creator, King, This day, Your sign and seal. 2 Our earthly tasks we lay aside, According to Your Word, To enter now Your holy rest, …
1 Lord of the Sabbath and its light, I hail Thy hallowed day of rest; It is my weary soul’s delight, The solace of my careworn breast, The solace of my careworn breast. 2 O sacred day of peace and joy, Thy hours …
1 Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morning; O’er waving fields and from the distant sea Swell notes of praise in harmony resounding As all creation turns her heart to Thee. 2 Though man alone, Lord, of Thy great creation Fails …
1 As birds unto the genial homeland fly, The winter’s cold and low’ring skies to flee, So seeks my soul Thy gracious presence here And finds, O God, its rest and peace in Thee. 2 Here at Thy shrine we leave all vexing …
1 Lord God, Your love has called us here, As we, by love, for love were made. Your living likeness still we bear Tho’ marred, dishonored, disobeyed. We come, with all our heart and mind Your call to hear, Your love to find. …
1 An upper room did our Lord prepare For those loved until the end: And His disciples still gather there, To celebrate their risen Friend. 2 And after supper He washed their feet, For service, too, is sacrament. In Him our joy shall …