NUMBER Archive

388 – Don’t Forget the Sabbath

1 Don’t forget the Sabbath, The Lord our God hath blest, Of all the week the brightest, Of all the week the best; It brings repose from labor, It tells of joy divine, Its beams of light descending, With heavenly beauty shine. Refrain …

389 – Light of Light, Enlighten Me

1 Light of light, enlighten me, Now anew the day is dawning; Sun of grace, the shadows flee; Brighten Thou my Sabbath morning; With Thy joyous sunshine blest, Happy is my day of rest. 2 Let me with my heart today, Holy, holy, …

390 – We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord

1 We love Thy Sabbath, Lord, And worship at Thy will; Oh may these hours sweet peace afford And deeper faith instill. 2 Thine angels sang for joy Creation’s work to see; We too, this day, would raise our hearts In grateful praise …

391 – Welcome, Welcome, Day of Rest

1 To the world in kindness given; Welcome to this humble breast, As the beaming light from heaven. 2 Day of calm and sweet repose, Gently now thy moments run; Balm to soothe our cares and woes, Till our labor here is done. …

392 – Dear Lord, We Come at Set of Sun

1 Dear Lord, we come at set of sun, And at Your feet we kneel To worship You, Creator, King, This day, Your sign and seal. 2 Our earthly tasks we lay aside, According to Your Word, To enter now Your holy rest, …

393 – Lord of the Sabbath

1 Lord of the Sabbath and its light, I hail Thy hallowed day of rest; It is my weary soul’s delight, The solace of my careworn breast, The solace of my careworn breast. 2 O sacred day of peace and joy, Thy hours …

394 – Far From All Care

1 Far from all care we hail the Sabbath morning; O’er waving fields and from the distant sea Swell notes of praise in harmony resounding As all creation turns her heart to Thee. 2 Though man alone, Lord, of Thy great creation Fails …

395 – As Birds Unto the Genial Homeland

1 As birds unto the genial homeland fly, The winter’s cold and low’ring skies to flee, So seeks my soul Thy gracious presence here And finds, O God, its rest and peace in Thee. 2 Here at Thy shrine we leave all vexing …

397 – An Upper Room

1 An upper room did our Lord prepare For those loved until the end: And His disciples still gather there, To celebrate their risen Friend. 2 And after supper He washed their feet, For service, too, is sacrament. In Him our joy shall …