NUMBER Archive
1 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. 2 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious …
1 Marvelous grace of our loving Lord. Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt! Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt. Refrain Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within Grace, grace, …
1 God’s free mercy streameth over all the world, And His banner gleameth, By His church unfuried; Broad and deep and glorious, As the heaven above, Shines in might victorious His eternal love. 2 Summer suns are glowing over land and sea; Happy …
1 My Father is omnipotent And that you can’t deny; A God of might and miracles; ‘Tis written in the sky. Refrain It took a miracle to put the stars in place; It took a miracle to hang the world in space. But …
1 Let us with a gladsome mind Praise the Lord, for He is kind: For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 He, with all commanding might, Filled the new made world with light: For His mercies shall endure, Ever faithful, …
1 As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated in the chase, So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine: O when shall I behold …
1 There’s a wideness, in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the sea; There is mercy, with the Savior, Which is more than liberty. 2 There is welcome, for the sinner, and more graces for the good; There is mercy, with the Savior, …
1 O come, O come, Immanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Refrain Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. 2 O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, And order all …
1 Of the Father’s love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He, Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see, Evermore and evermore! Amen. 2 O …
1 The advent of our God With eager prayers we greet, And singing haste upon His road His coming reign to meet. 2 The everlasting Son Was born to make us free; And He a servant’s form put on To gain our liberty. …