Subcategory Archive

374 – Jesus, With Thy Church Abide

1 Jesus, with Thy church abide; Be her Savior, Lord, and Guide, While on earth her faith is tried: We beseech Thee, hear us. 2 May her voice be ever clear, Warning of a judgment near, Telling of a Savior dear: We beseech …

375 – Work, for the Night Is Coming

1 Work for the night is coming, Work through the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling; Work ‘mid springing flow’rs. Work when the day grows brighter, Work in the glowing sun; Work for the night is coming, When man’s work is …

376 – All Things Are Thine

1 All things are Thine; no gift have we, Lord of all gifts, to offer Thee; And hence with grateful hearts today, Thine own before Thy feet we lay. 2 Thy will was in the builder’s thought; Thy hand unseen amidst us wrought; …

378 – Go, Preach My Gospel

1 “Go, preach My gospel,” saith the Lord; “Bid the whole world My grace receive; He shall be saved who trusts My word, And they condemned who disbelieve. 2 “I’ll make your great commission known, And ye shall prove My gospel true By …

379 – We Give This Child to You

1 We give this child to You, Our precious gift of love. Help us to lead each step aright With guidance from above. 2 O bless each child of Yours, And grant when they are grown, They will have learned to love Your …

380 – Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose

1 Welcome, day of sweet repose! Blessed be thy sacred hours! We would trust the One who knows All our weak and failing powers. 2 Welcome, day in Eden born! Holy rest for sinless man! Like the dawning of fair morn Come thy …

381 – Holy Sabbath Day of Rest

1 Holy Sabbath day of rest, By our Master richly blest, God created and divine, Set aside for holy time. Refrain Yes, the holy Sabbath rest, By our God divinely blest, It to us a sign shall be Throughout all eternity. 2 Seek …

382 – O Day of Rest and Gladness

1 O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, most beautiful, most bright; on thee, the high and lowly, who bend before throne, sing, “Holy, holy, holy,” to the Eternal One. 2 Thou …

383 – O Day of Rest and Gladness

1 O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light, O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright, On thee the high and lowly Before th’ eternal throne Sing, “Holy, holy, holy,” To the Eternal One. 2 Thou …