Category Archive

682 – As You Have Promised, Lord

As You have promised, Lord, today, You are letting Your servant go away in peace. May eyes have seen You in broad daylight before all nations, planning salvation. Light of revelation for the nations, and glory of Your people Israel.

683 – Jesus, Stand Among Us

1 Jesus, stand among us In Thy risen power; Let this time of worship Be a hallowed hour. 2 Breathe the Holy Spirit Into every heart; Bid the fears and sorrows From each soul depart. 3 Thus with quickened footsteps We pursue our …

685 – Cause Me to Hear

Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust. Cause me to know they way where-in I shall walk for I lift up my soul to Thee. Amen

686 – Bless Thou the Gifts

Bless thou the gifts our hands have brought; bless thou the work our hearts have planned. Ours is the faith, the will, the thought; the rest, O God, is in thy hand. Amen.