Author Archive

101 – Children of the Heavenly Father

1 Children of the heavenly Father Safely in His bossom gather; Nestling bird nor star in heaven Such a refuge e’er was given. 2 God His own doth tend and nourish, In His holy love they flourish; From all evil things He spares …

102 – Unto the Hills

1 Unto the hills around shall I lift up my longing eyes? O whence for me shall my salvation come, from whence arise? From God the Lord doth come my certain aid, From God the Lord, who heav’n and earth hath made. 2 …

113 – As Pants the Hart

1 As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated in the chase, So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine: O when shall I behold …

116 – Of the Father's Love Begotten

1 Of the Father’s love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He, Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see, Evermore and evermore! Amen. 2 O …

117 – The Advent of Our God

1 The advent of our God With eager prayers we greet, And singing haste upon His road His coming reign to meet. 2 The everlasting Son Was born to make us free; And He a servant’s form put on To gain our liberty. …

121 – Go, Tell It On the Mountain

Refrain Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere: Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! 1 While shepherds kept their watching O’er silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens There shone a holy light. …

131 – Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming

1 Lo, how a rose e’re blooming From tenderstem hath sprung, Of Jesse’s lineage coming As men of old have sung. It came, a floweret bright, Amid the cold of winter When half spent was the night. 2 Isaiah ’twas foretold it, The …

135 – O Little Town of Bethlehem

1 O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in …

138 – Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow

1 There’s a star in the east on Christmas morn. Rise up, shepherd, and follow. It will lead to the place and where the Saviour’s born, Rise up, shepherd, and follow. Refrain: Leave your sheep and leave your lambs, Rise up, shepherd, and …

144 – O Sing a Song of Bethlehem

1 O sing a song of Bethlehem, Of shepherds watching there, And of the news that came to them From angels in the air: The light that shone on Bethlehem Fills all the world today; Of Jesus’birth and peace on earth The angels …