NUMBER Archive
1 Make me a captive, Lord, and then I shall be free; Force me to render up my sword, and I shall conqueror be. I sink in life’s alarms when by myself I stand; Imprison me within Thine arms, and strong shall be …
1 Pass me not, O gentle Savior, hear my humble cry; while on others thou art calling, do not pass me by. Refrain Savior, Savior, hear my humble cry; while on others thou art calling, do not pass me by. 2 Let me …
1 Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, exalted; Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard; Not I, but Christ, in every look and action, Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word. 2 Not I, but Christ, to …
1 What does the Lord require for praise and offering? What sacrifice, desire or tribute bid you bring? Do justly; Love mercy; Walk humbly with your God. 2 Rulers of men, give ear! Should you not justice show? Will God your pleading hear, …
1 Give of your best to the master, Give of the strength of your youth; Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardor Into the battle for truth. Jesus has set the example – Dauntless was He, young and brave; Give Him your loyal devotion, …
1 It may not be on the mountain height Or over the stormy sea, It may not be at the battle’s front My Lord will have need of me. But if, by a still, small voice he calls To paths that I do …
1 O Master, let me walk with thee in lowly paths of service free; tell me thy secret; help me bear the strain of toil, the fret of care. 2 Help me the slow of heart to move by some clear, winning word …
1 Let your heart be broken for a world in need: Feed the mouths that hunger, soothe the wounds that bleed, Give the cup of water and the loaf of bread Be the hands of Jesus, serving in His stead. 2 Here on …
1 Awake, awake to love and work! The lark is in the sky; The fields are wet with diamond dew; The worlds awake to cry Their blessings on the Lord of life, As He goes meekly by. 2 Come, let thy voice be …
1 In the heart of Jesus there is love for you, Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true; Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh, When the heart of Jesus has a full supply? 2 In the mind …