501 – Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer

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‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend,
And we gather to Jesus, our Savior and Friend;
If we come to Him in faith, His protection to share,

What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there!
Blessed hour of prayer, Blessed hour of prayer,
What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be there!

‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the Savior draws near,
With a tender compassion His children to hear;
When He tells us we may cast at His feet every care,

‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the tempted and tried
To the Savior who loves them their sorrows confide;
With a sympathizing heart He removes every care;

‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer, trusting Him we believe,
That the blessings we’re needing we’ll surely receive;
In the fullness of this trust we shall lose every care;

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501 – Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer sheet music

SubcategoryMeditation and Prayer
AuthorFanny J. Crosby

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  1. Kayla Russell
  2. Adrian
  4. thanks u jesus
  5. Otieno Victor Odhiambo
  6. unknow srry but iam not allowed to say my name
  7. Daniel
  8. Cfcsongs
  9. Emmanuel Nyahuma
  10. Georgina
  11. David Ann
  12. Collins Mayende
  13. Tyson Oketch
  14. Anonymous
  15. Anonymous
  16. Anonymous
  17. Chibuike joseph

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