
Judgment Archive

415 – Christ the Lord, All Power Possessing

1 Christ, the Lord, all power possessing, Parting, mounted heaven’s height, Gracious hands outstretched in blessing, Clouds received His from their sight. Christ ascended, Christ ascended, Christ ascended on the clouds. (on the clouds) Christ ascended on the clouds. 2 Daniel views earth’s …

416 – The Judgment Has Set

1 The judgment has set, the books have been opened; How shall we stand in that great day, When every thought, and word, and action, God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh? Refrain How shall we stand in that great day? How shall we …

417 – O Solemn Thought

1 O solemn thought and can it be The hour o judgment now is come Which soon must fix our destiny, And seal the sinner’s fearful down? Yes, it is so; the judgment hour Is swiftly hastening to its close; Then will the …