Subcategory Archive

252 – Come, Let Us Sing

1 Come, let us sing the song of songs- The angels first began the strain- The homage which to Christ belongs: “Worthy the Lamb, for He was slain!” 2 Slain to redeem us by His blood, To cleanse from every sinful stain, And …

253 – There's No Other Name Like Jesus

1 There’s no other name like Jesus, ‘Tis the dearest name we know, ‘Tis the angel’s joy in heaven, ‘Tis the Christian’s joy below. Refrain Sweet name, (sweet name) dear name, (dear name) There’s no other name like Jesus; Sweet name, (sweet name) …

254 – The Great Physician Now is Near

1 The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh! hear the voice of Jesus. Refrain Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. 2 Your …

255 – I Cannot Tell Why

1 I cannot tell why He whom angels worship Should set His love upon the souls of men, Or why as Shepherd He should seek the wanderers, To bring them back, they know not how nor when. But this I know, that He …

256 – Ye Servants of God

1 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, and publish abroad his wonderful name; the name all-victorious of Jesus extol, his kingdom is glorious and rules over all. 2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save, and still he is nigh, his presence …

279 – Only Trust Him

1 Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There’s mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give you rest, By trusting in His word. Refrain Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, …

280 – Come, Ye Sinners

1 Come, ye sinners poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power. Refrain I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms; In the arms …

281 – I Gave My Life for Thee

1 I gave my life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou might’st ransom be, And quickened from the dead; I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me? I gave, I gave My life for …

282 – I Hear Thy Welcome Voice

1 I hear Thy welcome voice, That calls me, Lord, to Thee; For cleansing in Thy precious blood, That flowed on Calvary. Refrain I am coming, Lord! Coming now to Thee! Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Calvary. 2 …

283 – O Jesus, Thou Art Standing

1 O Jesus, thou art standing, outside the fast closed door, in lowly patience waiting to pass the threshold o’er: O shame, professing Christians, his Name and sign who bear, O shame, thrice shame upon us, to keep him standing there! 2 O …