Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreating
Wanderers on the mountain astray;
“Come unto Me,” His message repeating,
Words of the Master speaking today.
Going afar (going afar)
Upon the mountain (upon the mountain)
Bringing the wanderer back again, back again,
Into the fold (into the fold)
Of my Redeemer (of my Redeemer)
Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain, for sinners slain.
Seeking the lost and pointing to Jesus
Souls that are weak and hearts that are sore,
Leading them forth in ways of salvation,
Showing the path to life evermore.
Thus would I go on missions of mercy,
Following Christ from day unto day,
Cheering the faint and raising the fallen,
Pointing the lost to Jesus, the Way.
i love this song as i prepare to worship with my husband tomorrow blessings to all
Amen sister
Beautiful song, not the same words in the French Hymnal for #596 "Flots mugissants", a song I stay away from which is just tempting the enemy. Quand on combine les mots en Anglais et la musique, ça nous donne un vrai beau chant, pas les mêmes que dans le #596 de notre "Hymnes et Louanges – Flots mugissants", des expressions qui vraiment tentent notre adversaire no.1. Laissons-les pour la personne qui les a choisies. Sûrement elle n’avait pas assez de problèmes dans sa vie ou elle n’a pas bien compris quand elle demandait aux flots mugissants et en furie de l’entourer. Le Seigneur ne nous a jamais recommandé de demander des choses dures dans nos prières. Faisons-Lui confiance du choix et du timing des épreuves dont nous avons besoin des fois dans le but de nous purifier pour notre ascension vers le ciel.
this is nice
Love it
This is mission. Oh How if we do it…
SDA Hymnal 373 – Stanza 3 speaks to my heart and inspires me
This hymn always reminds us that the world is lost and yet many of us sit in our churches and espect the lost soul come by themselves.
My father taught this song in the primary school he was heading in the sixties. I was only a child and sang in the treble. I am adult now and I sought it out again piecing the lyrics together from memory. Glory to God for the net. I have the whole thing and even practice the demand. Clarence Ekekezie
So inspiring. Thank to God for this song. God bless the writer.
Worshipping now very nice enjoy your service tomorrow as i am today
Powerful songs typical of the old old story with which they were sung! Praise the Lord
The Son of God humbled Himself even upto death, seeking for lost my life. The men He created rejected and killed Him.But because Jesus is full of mercies,He forgave them
and said that they do not know what they are doing.Trully this is GREAT
Jesus remember me on your coming and forgive me my sins. AMEN
Beautiful lyrics. Happy Sabbath Adventist and the whole world
i really love this song
Work of jesus is waiting for us let go for mission and upon the mauthing
Beautiful song it is lovely
I love this song
i agree
This is me and my family favorite song
my favorite song
good song i love it
i love it
Keep praising the Lord your God and He will save you.
Joyful song
There is a mandate to go and seek that is lost, this song should challenge us all to do the work and fulfill this divine calling. If we have been to the valleys now we have to go beyond borders and proclaim the good News.