337 – Redeemed!

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Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed through His infinite mercy,
His child and forever I am.

Redeemed, redeemed,
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed, redeemed,
His child and forever I am.

Redeemed, and so happy in Jesus,
No language my rapture can tell;
I know that the light of His presence
With me doth continually dwell.

I know there’s a crown that is waiting
In yonder bright mansion for me;
And soon, with the saints made perfect,
At home with the Lord I shall be.

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337 – Redeemed! sheet music

SubcategorySalvation and Redemption
AuthorFanny J. Crosby

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  1. Adwen Sura Giwes
  2. Emelder Odero
  3. thebyroner
  4. Me
  5. Nozine
  6. Cara Dewsberry
  7. Anonymous
  8. mercy
  9. Divine
  10. I'd rather not say
  11. James chol Lual
  12. მომყმ
  13. Redeemer
  14. Nadia
  15. Solomon felix ukam
  16. Kk
  17. Winifred
  18. Anonymous
  19. MMC
  20. Wisdom sunday from nigeria

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