034 – Wake the Song

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Wake the song of joy and gladness;
Hither bring your noblest lays;
Banish every thought of sadness,
Pouring forth your highest praise.
Sing to Him whose care has brought us
Once again with friends to meet,
And whose loving voice has taught us
Of the way to Jesus’ feet.

Wake the song, wake the song,
The song of joy and gladness,
Wake the song, wake the song,
The song of Jubilee.

Joyfully with songs and banners,
We will greet the festal day;
Shout aloud our glad hosannas,
And our grateful homage pay.
We will chant our Savior’s glory
while our thoughts we raise above,
Telling still the old, old, story,
Precious theme- redeeming love!

Thanks to Thee, O holy Father,
For the mercies of the year;
May each heart, as here we gather,
Swell with gratitude sincere,
Thanks to Thee, O loving Savior,
For redemption through Thy blood.
Breathe upon us, Holy Spirit,
Sweetly draw us near to God.


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034 – Wake the Song sheet music

SubcategoryAdoration and Praise

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  1. Jayson Llanda
    • Ruth Roslyak
  2. Arlington Greenidge
  3. Garnet Dixon
  4. Tumuhairwe Laban
  5. Gee
  6. Lou McKay
  7. Lois Neri
  8. Tash
  9. Anonymous
  10. Child of GOD
  12. bussin bee
  13. Sidne miky
  14. Sidne miky
  15. She said she was 12
  16. Sidne miky
  17. Given White (Tumuhairwe)
  18. Anonymous
  19. Ava
  20. Donnaj
  21. Jeremiah

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